
Scourge of the Rhotano Sea


Name: Meat Woman, daughter of One Foot
Race: Roegadyn
Age: 30
Gender: Agender (AFAB)
Pronouns: They/them or she/her
Weight: 318 ponze
Height: 7 fulm 3 ilm
Sexuality: Grey asexual
Nationality: Limsa Lominsan
Job: Gunbreaker

“May we neither dread nor desire the last day!”

Eynfoet’s Battlecry


Bhratwyb is athletic in form, of above average height, and built with lean but powerful muscles which provide a sculpted definition to their body. Little to no fat is seen on them, and they look built for flighty and light movement. Their hair is stark white and is usually adorned with beads capped in feathers. Their eyes tend to tack onto others in such a way that some might wilt and shrink from their intensity. While pleasant, their features are not soft. A sharp jawline with a squared chin can at times add to the seriousness of their appearance. Their skin is a pale white, marked with cross cut scars and other injuries of the past.Their smiles are often slow and half-hitched as though the gesture lost interest in coming to fruition. Still, mischievous or boastful grins have been known to make their appearance from time to time.Somewhat imposing in stature, their posture speaks of authority, shoulders settled back with the easy confidence of one used to being listened to. Their movements hold a similar air, though at times border on the laziness of a cat in the sun when allowed to more leisurely exercises. Whether this is farce or not is generally difficult to tell.


Bhratwyb is a dedicated mercenary, as well as loyal to their friends and allies. While they want to get jobs done cleanly and efficiently, they aren't opposed to some banter or witty remarks in the midst of danger. They expect others to be respectful towards them (even if they haven't quite earned that respect yet), and is not above making examples of those that try to downsize them for whatever reason.They believe in the laws of the Maelstrom distantly, but because of their work and history, pays respect to them at least for public appearances.


Eynfoet was a feared pirate captain back before the days of Limsa Lominsa. When he married and had a child, he hoped his legacy would be passed down onto them. They were raised not by two parents but by an entire crew of pirates. They learned about hardship when skirmishes and raids were scarce, and learned of plenty when they were in abundance. It wasn’t until they were of age that they took to the seas on their own, ruthlessly carving a niche for themselves amongst crews.They spent a good number of years in the pirating business, smuggling and burglarizing aplenty, until their skills were considered illegal by the city-state of Limsa Lominsa. They lost her crew and reputation during a raid on a prize too big to ignore, and with the majority of their crew hanged or imprisoned, Bhratwyb seemed to be headed for the same fate. A fateful encounter with a high ranking member of the Maelstrom presented them with an opportunity. Redemption through conscription. Faced with death or servitude, Bhratwyb opted for the latter.Since then they have been a ranking member of the Maelstrom, using their skills as a swashbuckler and duelist to combat other pirates and whatever current threat may be too large for the Yellowjackets to handle. Their years spent as a terrifying pirate and ship captain makes them a skilled leader as well, and their voice carries far over even the loudest of skirmishes, directly ordering and rallying those around them.In more recent times, Bhratwyb has opted for mercenary work to fill their coffers and provide them with a means to keep their hands from being idle too long, though they still answer the call of the Maelstrom when rallied. Joined by two others—Riley Parker and Sakura Ryuzaki—they have founded the Silversong Concord, a Free Company with high ambitions for making Eorzea and the lands beyond a better place.


  • MERCENARY FOR HIRE. Bhratwyb is something of a skilled mercenary, though they also specifically sell their services as a bodyguard from time to time. Their skills are for hire by anyone in need of a monster slain or an armed escort through dangerous lands.

  • MAELSTROM VETERAN. Looking at their position as little more than political shackles, Bhratwyb at least wears a smile about the Maelstrom in public. Any fellow member of the Maelstrom may openly wonder how someone so reluctant to follow orders has made it as far as they have.

  • RETIRED PIRATE. They spent most of their life aboard ships as a ruthless pirate, cutting a bloody swath especially through the Rhotano Sea. Pirates or sea-fairing merchants might be able to recognize them from that former chapter of their life.

  • BOZJAN RESISTANCE. While not there to see things to their conclusion, Bhratwyb still fought alongside others for the liberation of Bozja from the hands of Garlemald. Their voice could have been heard over the booming of magitek artillery fire.

  • MENTOR/MENTEE. During the early stages of the Bozjan resistance, Bhratwyb served alongside the ranks of true Gunbreakers, learning the basics of their trade in the brief window they were involved in. While they know their stuff enough by now to pass along to others, they aren’t opposed to someone more skilled than them sharing some extra lessons.


Hello! My name is Edain, I'm 27 and agender with he/him or they/them pronouns. I'm a World of Warcraft refugee having recently come to FFXIV, and even more recently having caught up to the current content/story! Bear with me if I stumble over any lore or terminology, I'm still getting a hang for things here.I keep all sorts of hours, but live in the PST timezone for the sake of scheduling. I have nerve damage in both hands which can cause immense discomfort/pain at times, which means sometimes RP simply can't happen, or may need to abruptly stop.I am open to most themes and forms of RP. Mature themes require discussion beforehand, and it can generally be assumed I'm not interested in ERP. Any interest in romance should also be discussed beforehand, and will require our characters to know each other and be on good terms before anything happens. I am not the type of person to force character interactions just for the sake of RP, I like for things to feel organic in order to really enjoy the scenes we write together.

Discord: rat#2323
In-Game: Bhratwyb Eynfoetwyn @ Balmung